What is Mundo Tango? - A social platform for the Tango community world wide.
Why is it important? - We already have this great community but it's so splintered and many things are hard to find. Why not bring everyone together so we can combine our efforts so we all benefit? Why are we giving our time and attention to Facebook and Instagram because there hasn't been another option.
What are some benefits of Mundo Tango? - If we are on one platform then we can make things like visiting a new city easier, we can make connecting to people easier, we can help communities grow, seek advice, and more!
Stay up to date with features here!
Donate and first look at the app here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mundo-tango
Help me build it: https://bit.ly/helpmundotango
Where do you find out about local dancing: https://bit.ly/wheredoyoudance
What features do you want to see on Mundo Tango: https://bit.ly/tellmeyourideas
Ver en castellano - https://youtu.be/tr_a--UCboM
Regarder en français - https://youtu.be/k6Hfl-uiYxE
Guarda in italiano - https://youtu.be/N0pw0B37Glg
Auf Deutsch ansehen - https://youtu.be/vgzhzvJVzvM
türkçe izle - https://youtu.be/R-uaQ7lmA3I
观看普通话 - https://youtu.be/oB0-fmiLJNU
Смотреть на турецком https://youtu.be/3N3H2HwUXO8
한국어로 시청: https://youtu.be/ZisyCRfgGTo
(Translations via [heygen.com](http://heygen.com/))
Why is it important? - We already have this great community but it's so splintered and many things are hard to find. Why not bring everyone together so we can combine our efforts so we all benefit? Why are we giving our time and attention to Facebook and Instagram because there hasn't been another option.
What are some benefits of Mundo Tango? - If we are on one platform then we can make things like visiting a new city easier, we can make connecting to people easier, we can help communities grow, seek advice, and more!
Stay up to date with features here!
Donate and first look at the app here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mundo-tango
Help me build it: https://bit.ly/helpmundotango
Where do you find out about local dancing: https://bit.ly/wheredoyoudance
What features do you want to see on Mundo Tango: https://bit.ly/tellmeyourideas
Ver en castellano - https://youtu.be/tr_a--UCboM
Regarder en français - https://youtu.be/k6Hfl-uiYxE
Guarda in italiano - https://youtu.be/N0pw0B37Glg
Auf Deutsch ansehen - https://youtu.be/vgzhzvJVzvM
türkçe izle - https://youtu.be/R-uaQ7lmA3I
观看普通话 - https://youtu.be/oB0-fmiLJNU
Смотреть на турецком https://youtu.be/3N3H2HwUXO8
한국어로 시청: https://youtu.be/ZisyCRfgGTo
(Translations via [heygen.com](http://heygen.com/))